My Favorite Book (?...

Hi all!
Im going to talk a Little about books, although I dont know about this topic
L because since I was a baby I never liked to read. That’s why I cant say who is my favorite author, I say, I don’t have it… Next, what kind of book I like to read? Well, I’m thinking what is that I look first when I’m in a bookstore, and I walk to the book that have a type of glossary… I mean, books of resets of food, with information about cactus for example: all the cactus that exist in this university, book that show places of the world with many pictures jaja aaah and yesss! I really enjoy the encyclopedias, this is seriously. It amazing because in a short time you can learn a lot with them. But…if you ask me about book with stories, I prefer the drama, something that make my sad or reflect.
Resultado de imagen para mundo de carton libro Talking about it, I remember “Mundo de Carton”,oh my god I read it when I was at school, crying in my bed. Its about a poor child that meet an another old man that give him a notebook for write what happen and what he do in his days. The old man tought him many things, it so cuteL and the final is sad. 
Finally, if I have to say what was the last book I read, I can’t. I don’t remember but it must have been here, in the university. I think I should to read something now to tell someone.  u.u


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